Looking for a fun way to send someone money as a gift? Keep on scrolling to reveal the party that's going on in this box!

We live further away from most of our family and don't make it back home for most celebrations like High School and College graduations. So I send the usual money inside a card for those celebrations. I can't take full credit for the idea I'm going to share, I found it while hopping around Pinterest (you know, that place that can be a time suck and you pin a million things you are never going to make...yep that place). I came across a box of balloons that intrigued me. So I clicked the photo and that sent me to the blog She's Crafty who shared the idea of sending money in balloons. I thought that was so cool, I would love to get money in a box of balloons at my door! So I put that idea in my back pocket to save for another day. Side Note - I LOVE balloons! Seriously I just love them and they make me happy. When you see balloons that usually means something fun and happy is going on and who doesn't want fun and happiness going on, right?! I'll take a bunch of balloons over flowers anytime. Ok, so that's my weird obsession with balloons...back to my story.

That "day" came last year when I had 2 nieces graduating from college and I was trying to think of what to get them and then I remembered the balloon idea. This year I had another niece graduating from college too (I'm starting to feel old having nieces graduating from college!) so off went another box of balloons and I took some photos to share with you. I chose to do a theme box using their college colors. Here's what was inside:

A PARTY in a Box!!

Here are some of the supplies I used: tissue paper, curling ribbon, balloons, candy, college logo confetti and $$$.

To put money in the balloons: roll the money and insert into a deflated balloon and then blow it up. I blew mine up pretty small to include 6 balloons in my box that I shipped. Inside some of the balloons I put a "Try Again" note, not each balloon had money so it became a little game to find which balloons had money. I also included a little note in the box front and center that said "Pop the balloons to reveal more surprises". I added that note just to make sure they knew money was inside the balloons and they didn't think it was just a cute decoration and throw them away!

A party in a box wouldn't be complete without a little sweet treat...chocolates also in their college colors.

This black and gold box was one that I sent last year to my niece.

This green and white box was another one that I sent last year to my niece.

The response back was great, they all loved their party in a box! My goal was just to make them feel special and like a kid again opening their box of fun! I almost was going to nix the idea thinking that it was maybe too juvenile for a college graduate, but I'm glad I didn't because I got this message on my Facebook page from one of them: "Love that I have such a creative and awesome Aunt! (ps, I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning yesterday when I openend up the box, huge smile on my face!)" My goal was accomplished! Hearing about the huge smile on their face and feeling like a kid again made my day! Tips, Hints & Randomness: -I used this idea for graduation gifts but it would be fun to do for a birthday or wedding gift. A wedding gift would be so fun do all up in their wedding colors...another idea saved to my back pocket! ; ) -The plastic tubes that the M&M's are in are candy tubes that are used a lot for 1" gumballs. I got mine from Petite Party Studio here. If you live local in the Phoenix area check out their store in downtown Gilbert, it's an adorable little shop! -Balloon sizes - 7 to 9 inch balloons work best but I've also used 12 inch. The 7 to 9 inch ones just keep their shape a little rounder if you aren't blowing them up very big. Water balloons are too small, it's hard to get the rolled up money in there and blow it up. - If you didn't have to ship the box of balloons and could actually hand deliver them I think it would fun and hilarious to use a huge box (like a kitchen appliance or furniture box) and fill it with a bunch of balloons with small bill denominations that would take the recipient forever to pop open! - If you aren't comfortable sending cash in the mail write a check and put it in one of the balloons and fill the other balloons up with notes, quotes or confetti. - Wondering what's in those smaller white boxes with polka dot ribbon in each box?? I made each niece a cupcake ornament with their college colors and year they graduated on it. You can find similar ones here in my shop. - Like balloons? Follow my "Balloon Fun" Pinterest board here. - Wondering how much this cost to ship? The box I used was approx. 12"x9"x5" and I sent it USPS Priority Mail and paid $5.54. In general the smaller the box and the lighter in weight the package is it's cheaper to ship. - This balloon idea would be so cute to do for Valentine's Day with red and white balloons with little notes inside each balloon with "why I love you" type messages. *Side Note - Please note that I do not condone using copyrighted artwork. I'm referring to the college logos that you see being used in some of the photos. I will from time to time make some custom things for my immediate family members for special occasions like you see in the above photos. I am a professional designer and would never use copyrighted artwork for profit. What other ideas would you put in your Party In A Box??